• Milonga el Abrazo with Scott O'Day Tango Trio!

    Sunday February 9 1p — 6p

    Please join Jordana, Connor, and the Scott O'Day Tango Trio for a friendly matinée milonga in a beloved local setting. Connection class with Jordana, 1:00p—2:00p. Milonga, 2:00p—6:00p. Jordana dj's half traditional orquestas and half contemporary tango orquestas.

    Let's make it a delightful afternoon of great music, awesome embraces, smorgasbord, wine, friends, and fun!

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    Tango Mentoring

    Feel great sharing what you want to share, how you want to share, with whom you want to share.


    I help clients embrace their own dances with curiosity and compassion. I hold a safe space for you to connect with your own journey, your own body, and your own artistic voice. Because we learn best when we play, when we explore, and when we trust ourselves as the authority on what's right for us.


    I emphasize active listening, and developing compassionate, clear, and trustworthy communication between partners.


    Some places I have taught include: Aosta, Berlin, Catania, Chicago, Lausanne, London, Los Angeles, Madison, New Orleans, Portland, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Seattle, and Tarbes.


    Primary teachers include: Sebastian Arce, Jorge Torres, Virginia Pandolfi, Guillermo García, Samantha Dispari, Nikita Gerdt, and Ariadna Naveira.
    My practice is informed by many cross-disciplinary in-depth practices, including but not limited to: the Alexander Technique, ballet, Feldenkrais, folk dance, Hakomi, martial arts, modern dance, Gyrotonics, structural integration, swimming, yoga, and Zen.
  • Tango Therapy

    Cómo en la pista, así en la vida. — What's going on on the dance floor is what's going on in your life.

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    Would you like to embrace yourself and others with more compassion, more intimacy, and more understanding?


    I offer tango therapy and counseling, for individuals and couples, online and in person. It's a whole-intelligence way of learning about our relationships with ourselves and with others, becoming mindful of our patterns, and exploring all the factors that come into play in all relationships. Trust, hope, fear, power, faith, curiosity, control, loss, gain, compassion, joy, vulnerability, social mores, old family stories, communication, need, desire, light and shadow...everything that defines us and everything that defines our relationships shows up when we dance. And many stories that are hard or impossible to reach with words come to light and evolve quickly when we explore them through dance. The mindfully-embodied world of therapeutic tango can transform your life if you choose to invite it in. And I'm here to guide you through it.


    I am both a psychotherapist (CA AMFT#146160, CA APCC #16298) and a veteran tango teacher. California-based clients seeking ongoing tango *therapy* (which is more open-ended and all-encompassing than counseling) may work with me under the auspices of the Center for Mindful Psychotherapy. Clients in all locations seeking short-term or occasional tango *counseling* (which is more about addressing specific issues or working toward specific goals, compared to therapy) may work with me privately.


    If you are curious and would like to discuss how tango therapy or counseling can transform your life, please message me to schedule a free fifteen-minute phone call today! 

  • Playshops

    You have enough work in your life already. Let's play.

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    January 5, 2:30-4p

    Connection Playshop

    Do you want to enjoy connecting with yourself and others more deeply? If so, please join me for this tango connection playshop. It’s a chance to play, experiment, and explore how we connect with ourselves and with others in tango and in life.  

    $25 on the Eventbrite link below, $30 at the door.




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    November 24, 1-2:30p

    Connection Playshop with Jordana and Miranda

    Do you want to enjoy connecting with yourself and others more deeply? If so, please join Jordana and Miranda for this tango connection playshop. It’s a chance to play, experiment, and explore how we connect with ourselves and with others in tango and in life.  

    $25 on the Eventbrite link below, $30 at the door.




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    I facilitate tango playshops where we get curious about connecting with ourselves and with each other. We experiment with focus and intention. We investigate our personal relationships with giving, taking, and sharing. We explore how where we put our attention affects our intimate conversations with our partners. And, most of all, we play. Because the greatest discoveries happen during play.


    While these playshops are for tango dancers, they are not about high heels, ochos, or me telling you where to put your feet. They're about you asking yourself what's going on inside you and outside you, and noticing how you feel. They're about investigating how we interact with ourselves and with the outside world, and discovering enjoyable new ways of connecting.


    Because tango isn't about where you put your feet. It's about where you put your mind, your heart, and your soul.

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  • DJ

    I love dj'ing milongas and private events. I create nights where everyone enjoys dancing to music they love, connects with themselves and with others, and goes home sated. I provide a balanced arc of old favourites and delicious surprises. Let me take your dancers on a journey of play, discovery, and seduction.


    Bay Area: The Allegro, Harvey Milonga, North Beach Milonga, Milonga Tukis...and of course my own Milonga el Abrazo.

    Elsewhere: Chicago, London, New Orleans, Madison, Valle d'Aosta, and more.


  • Calendar

    Events and opportunities for in-person mentoring. Please message me to schedule a session.

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    January 2025

    San Francisco January 5 — Teaching Connection Playshop

    Seattle January 9 — 13

    San Francisco

    January 19 — Milonga el Abrazo with Sumi Lee — Organizer, teacher, dj, and musician



    San Francisco February 9 — Milonga el Abrazo with Scott O'Day Trio — Organizer, teacher, dj

    Portland OR February 12 — 17


    San Francisco March 2 — Milonga el Abrazo — Organizer, teacher, dj

    Seattle March 13 — 17



    Victoria BC April 11 — 13

    San Francisco April 20 — Milonga el Abrazo with Cuarteto ¡Ahora Sí! — Organizer, teacher, dj



    Los Angeles May 22 — 26



    Seattle July 25 — 27



    Albuquerque October 30 — November 2

  • Tango Clothes

    I had nothing to wear so I designed and made it myself. I could make something for you too.

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    Cotton jersey set in yellow

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    Cotton jersey shirt in pink