Humberto Canaro – Armando Tagini
Adapted into English by Jordana del Feld as
Can't Buy My Love
You're rolling in dough, you're a real big spender
But you're never gonna play me
I don't buy your con-man gaming
That ain't love. Don't waste your breath.
I got my eye on you
I know your game
Since that fight you think you can buy me
But I'm for real, yo
So go knock on someone else's door.
See ya, old man
Get lost
'Cause I ain't no flower
To dress up no fancy suit.
You think you're offering me something so fine
You can keep it for some other chick.
My homie ain't no
Mr. Moneybags with a Rolex
But I'll tell you for real:
His heart is fine
And I'm all his
And I got this one thing straight:
Ain't nothing finer than true love.
I don't want to go out all night drinking Cristal
Don't put me up in some fancy-ass hotel
You can keep your Lotus; I'll take a Lyft
But man, just let me tell you one thing
And then we'll call it quits:
Go get yourself prettied up
And leave this crazyinlove junk behind.
Tenés vento, sos un gran señor,
pero a mí no me vas a engrupir
con tus frases de mentido amor,
perdés tiempo,.ya podés seguir.
Desde el pique, viejo, te juné
la intención de quererme comprar,
pero yo soy de buen pedigrée:
a otra puerta andá a golpear.
Viejito, salú.
Podés espiantar
que mi juventud
no es flor pa'tu ojal.
La gloria que vos
a mí me ofrecés,
guardála mejor
para otra mujer.
Mi pibe no es
bacán de bastón,
pero, has de saber,
tiene corazón,
y soy para él,
pues yo bien lo sé:
¡no hay gloria mayor
que la del amor!
Yo no quiero farras ni champán
ni vivir en un petit-hotel
y a la voituré que vos me das
yo prefiero un coche de alquiler,
Y un consejo sano te daré
para ponerle al dialoguito fin:
que comprés un peine y te saqués
del altillo el berretín.